Easter Monday or as the Italians call it…Pasquetta.
As I have written in previous blogs, my family celebrated all holidays with the traditions they brought from the old country. I believe it was just about the time that I started on Facebook and connected with many friends in Italy that I realized we never, for reasons that are obvious, celebrated Easter Monday or as the Italians call it…Pasquetta.
The tradition of Pasquetta is a closely held one, maintained with almost religious fervor though it is a civil holiday. The day after Easter Sunday is called "Pasquetta" (little Easter) and is a day to relax.
It was instituted in the post-war period to create a long weekend, which allows people to have a weekend getaway, or at least a "scampagnata" (trip to the countryside). In fact, that is the main way to celebrate Pasquetta -pack a picnic and head for the country! Throngs of people go to the mountains, the hills, or the beach, or their own family's country property, to enjoy a picnic or a barbecue outdoors. It is the holiday that announces spring is here and is a festive, enjoyable day.
Food often includes something with eggs, in keeping with the Easter theme, like a cold frittata, or a "pizza rustica" filled with greens and hard-boiled eggs. Sometimes things get more elaborate, but often it is just a simple lunch of salami, cheese, pasta, fruit, good bread, and of course some wine, spent with friends or family.
Buona Pasqua!! And if you are lucky enough…Have a great Easter Monday!!